Red-shanked Douc Langur
I hope you'll feel "the noble atmosphere" from this drawing... Click the picture!

Red-shanked Douc Langur's range(Vietnam、Laos、Cambodia

The second "Leaf eater monkey" you'll see is Red-shanked Douc Langur who has a really bright beautiful orange fur. This monkey's very beautiful white, black and orange fur and their noble atmosphere bring on are very eye-catching. And the most importantly, this Yokohama Zoorasian zoo is the only place to get to see this monkey in Japan.

Sadly, their number of population has decreased by loosing forests as their habitation by Vietnam War. And this Red-shanked Douc Langur is on the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species.

As like their beautiful fur, their long tail gets a lot of looks. It is definitely one of their characteristics, but it is not prehensile. It uses only for a balance. They live in groups and are arboreal monkey. Since they are areal specialist, when they are untroubled they move noisily from branch to branch through the forest, but once they face to any dangers they can flee soundlessly through the trees away from dangers.

2013. 14th OCT.